Home again!
Passing through Rugby and one boat passed us and shouted how much they enjoy the blog - thanks for that. A few minutes later, we passed a boat in Newbold tunnel and a shout between the 2 boats in the gloom of the tunnel revealed it was Pete at the helm of NB Pickles 2.
It's also good to have been following the blog of Graham and Jill, (not to mention the dogs!) off NB Matilda Rose. They are from the marina here at Brinklow and have been up the Ashby. It's been great to have followed their travels to some of my old haunts and it sounds as if they're having a great time. Oh for the days of gentle cruising and no deadlines for returning! Glad you're enjoying it up there and keep the Battlefield moorings warm for my next visit!
I got Khayamanzi installed and connected back up, (boy it's good to be back on a wireless broadband and telephone!) and spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sunshine and mowing the grass in the marina to start getting ready for the open day on Saturday.
Tomorrow, (1st April,) my telephone service is switched over to Tiscali and I will no longer have any ties with BT! I need to clean, hoover and tidy the boat, do a couple of large washing loads, shopping and all the usual bits 'n' bobs associated with returning after a holiday. I also need to get some more crickets for Lenny and possible a female partner for him!
An email today confirmed that my weather station has been despatched. I actually don't want it to arrive much before Thursday as school won't be open to receive it.
My brother's plans for K2 are getting closer to reality! He has seen a lovely boat that he likes and video of it can be seen on his blog. He's now at the stage of exploring ideas to make it possible.
I leave you this evening with the beautiful picture of our magnificent daffodils in the marina. More can be seen on the Brinklow Marina website.