Been and gone!
Well Christmas has been and gone for another year and only the new year remains before returning to school. I am typing this entry from my father's computer. A light fluttering of snow has already appeared yesterday and more is forecast for Friday although it appears that the heaviest is due in the Midlands. Snow always seems to be at the opposite end of the country to where I am, the other week they had it in London heavy when I was in the Midlands and now it's forecast heavy in the Midlands when I'm in London!!
I plan to return home to the boat on Monday or Tuesday next week. A quick text to a neighbour this evening to confirm all was OK and the reply came back that it was due to be minus 5 degrees there tonight and so the neighbour has gone in to light a fire low for the night. It's nice to have the security of friends and a close community around knowing that things will be well looked after till I return. Only one week left until I return to school for the Spring term but then I guess the evenings will start to draw out and the first signs of Spring will be the next highlight in the boating calender.
I bought myself a smart new printer in the sales today and now need to find a home for the machine which looks as if it will take up most of the remaining saloon space available. It's one of these 'all-in-one' units that scans, copies and prints from botht he computer and directly from any format memory card.
Anyway, weather permitting, I plan a nice walk along the Wey and Arun with my father and the dog as well as plenty of walks along the River Wey and of course the Thames!