Sunday, December 18, 2005


Well, what a hectic weekend!!
I spent the day yesterday cleaning the boat and sorting things out ready for going south for Christmas and it seems the more I do the more I still have to do! Simba went to the 'poodle parlour' and has now been beautified, (well wash and hair cut anyway,) the boat needs yet another hoover to rid it of dog hairs, I still have to do all the packing, (one bag for me and two for Simba,) the car needs hoovering and washing desperately, (in fact I have just triedto do it but can't find a hose that isn't frozen and my hands froze simply looking so I gave up,) etc. etc. The coldest night so far last night with my temperature sensor reading a low of -5.5 degrees overnight, (although of course I didn't notice it on board and still roasted in bed!!) I woke up this morning to find a thick layer of ice across the marina which is still there now and will probably last tonight as well. Two hectic days at school left and I am constantly getting text messages teasing me from all my friends down south who have broken up already. Ah well, another walk with the dog over the frozen fields beckons.

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