Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Congratulations Tiscali - almost....

Well, I spent an hour and a half this morning during lunch and my non contact time on the phone! My replacement T-mobile USB modem didn't arrive as promised and several phone calls discovered that it had been returned to the sender for some unknown reason. A replacement is on the way and should be with me tomorrow. More phone calls discovered that my Tiscali modem should be with me at any time now but I had been signed up for the wrong package which didn't include the free telephone calls. I have now sorted that out but have to wait another 7-10 days for the transfer over from BT.

True to their word, I arrived home this evening to find my Tiscali modem had been delivered. I have now spent almost 5 hours on the phone to get it set up.....

They managed to get a wired connection set up but the wireless one didn't work. The Indian call centre lady then managed to loose all my connection completely for me. Her supervisor got a wired connection back for me and told me I probably needed to upgrade my wireless adapter card drivers - quite likely as I haven't installed or upgraded them since re-building the entire computer just after Christmas. I have now downloaded new drivers, (190MB in 21 minutes - wow, I'm a new man!!) but the mere threat of an upgrade must have scared the wireless network into working so currently it seems to be fine. Whether it will work when I shut down and then re-start it up tomorrow evening is another story which I shall report on tomorrow but for now, this is the first blog post to come via a wireless network connection at a true broadband speed - ah the luxury!

Now I'm going to bed - happy in the knowledge that, for now at least, all is well with the world. Anyone want a T-mobile USB modem - I may have one going spare soon!!?

****Stop press****
I couldn't resist it and just had to shut down and re-start the computer to see if it still worked. The fact that I am typing this and not fishing the laptop out of the canal means it is - yippee!!
BTW. after running with funny keys that had all swapped places on the keyboard for months - I've only just discovered how to change the settings in XP Pro. from a USA keyboard to a UK one - doh!


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