Sunday, June 22, 2008


Apart from a few comments of children in one particular maths and English set, my reports are now finished - hooray!! I celebrated by going out and mowing the grass so that it will last for a couple of weeks while I go to France - no blog posts at all next weekend then!

I bought a long 20 metre river line yesterday ready for the Thames this summer.
This isn't it - it's another random rope in case you didn't know what one looked like! I bought it so that my dad can splice and eye it whilst dog sitting this coming week. Apparently the technique single handed on the Thames is to hold the boat on a centre line that goes up, round a bollard and back to the helmsman at the helm, Sounds logical - can anyone confirm that this is indeed the way they do it as it depends where I put the long line!
A staff meeting tomorrow evening to prepare for, my assembly to plan on Tuesday, my class assembly to prepare for Wednesday and some very excited children to keep calm prior to the off on Thursday evening/Friday morning, (2.00am to be precise - who's idea was that?)
At least when I return there is, apparently only about 2 weeks before we break up for summer.


At 10:13 am, Blogger John and Fiona on nb Epiphany said...

Hope you'll blog about your s/h experiences on the Thames, particularly wrt Locks. Seems you may need to use fore and aft lines at least sometimes - see:
s/h link 1 and s/h link 2

We plan to do the Thames in September.

At 1:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The single rope will hold you against the 'side' but if the turbulance is strong the bows may swing out. you will also need to hold a fixed chain as well to stop forward or backward movement as the rope slides past the bollard.

At 7:56 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

Hmmm - thanks David. Let's see now, that relies on me having one pair of hands at the front to hold a bow rope, one at the back to hold a stern one and an extra pair to hold onto the chain on the wall - how exactly do I do that single handed?

At 8:01 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

Thanks John and Fiona. I know in the ideal world, you would always use a rope fore and aft in a Thames lock but I still fail to see how you do this single handed. Hopefully there will be a lock-keeper's assistant at th elocks where I will need this and I'll just rely on the best I can with a centre line where there isn't and enjoy watching the faces on the Tupperware brigade!

I certainly will be blogging the experiences and look forward to having my questions answered whilst there!

At 4:48 pm, Blogger MortimerBones said...

I have a long rope at the front and the back. I tend to stand in the middle holding boat. Alternatively, I loop up one end loosely (to give enough slack for the boat going up or down) and then hold one rope which I then use to keep the boat still.

At 9:53 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

Thanks Bones, do you stand on the roof or the bank and hold the two ropes? How do you pass up the bow rope and still keep the boat under control!?


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