Thursday, May 01, 2008


I read on Andrew Denny's blog Granny Buttons of his use of 'Moo cards'!

I was sold! I often use home made business card style cards when my blog comes up in conversation as well as when wanting to give my contact details to others as well as using them as a 'calling card' when passing boats belonging to fellow bloggers.

I am now the proud owner of a pack of 100 Moo cards! So simple and very effective. Just upload your images online, crop to the required size, add lines of text and a graphic and pay. Under one week later they arrive; glorious full colour images of NB Khayamanzi on one side, (borderless for greater graphic effect,) and my name and contact details on the other. Look out for my Moo cards left on a boat near you and let the cry go up, "You've been mooed"!!

Spent much of the day writing reports with a couple of hours in school this afternoon to plan a 'mystery day' that I want to hold with my English group next week! A lovely day weatherwise although it has clouded over this evening - I can't believe it's the 1st of May today! Of course, typically, just as I put the dinner on this evening a constant stream of visitors arrived with various requests ranging from wanting to borrow some diesel, finding a new moorings, introducing a friend and wanting a phone number of a good marine electrician - the result: a very warm salad meal accompanied by 2 very chargrilled looking Salmon steaks!!
School tomorrow and then 3 days off in which to juggle boat chores, marina tasks, another 200+ hours of school reports to be written and possibly a little 'me time' if I'm very lucky! I want a lesson in how to say 'no' without offending people!


At 5:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a book titled something like" How not to feel guilty when you say no". Sorry I can't be more accurate with the title but it was a while ago that I read it.

At 8:29 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

That looks a good book - cheers, I might just look it up!

At 10:31 am, Blogger David Turner said...

Moo cards are terrific - I ordered some as a summer barbecue invitation and they were back in three days. They've attracted universally positive reponse (as has the invitation).

At 2:53 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

What a great idea! So many uses for them. Thanks.


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