Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where do I start!!!

The last couple of days and everything has gone wrong!!

I'll start with the positive. My Ecofan arrived back home on Tuesday and seems to be working well. The blades are spinning nicely and the warrenty has been extended for another 15 months for the inconvenience - can't say fairer than that so as long as it continues to work well, I have no hesitation in fully recommending Calfire for Ecofan repairs. See their link on the right in my 'recommended companies' list.

Ever since then, it's gone down hill rapidly! Arrived home yesterday to find that Simba had been ill during the day due to over-enthusiastic 'tid-bit' feeding by some of my neighbours! After several scrapes, shovels and carpet washes thanks to my trusty Vax, I'm only just getting rid of the smell this evening. I then spent the evening attempting to download sound effects from the website we use for our Christmas production. At 10.30pm, the final sound effect was saved and edited and I was about to begin the process of burning the disks when my computer got very aggressively attacked by some little virus that tried to hack its way into all my registry keys. A moments lapse in concentration on my part in dealing with the warning messages that were deafening me and the little blighter was free to roam all over my laptop, result: one totally useless laptop with no .exe files accessible anywhere on the system. I resigned myself to the necessity of formatting and starting again. Lost activation keys, missing disks etc. etc prevailed and I finally gave up the fight any more at around 1.30-2.00am this morning. I took the machine into school today to continue the work at odd moments and things got worse, resulting in one teacher, (who used to build computers for a living,) oferring to get it all going again for me for twenty quid! Cheers Craig!! I am now in the process of re-installing all the twiddly little bits to get it up and running fully again. Fortunately I store all data on a 500+GB external hard drive and so photographs, videos, audio and documents are safe. I have lost all email addresses however so please could anyone who feels I might want your email address send me an email so that I can save the address.

The final insult this morning was when I pulled open the kitchen blind and it fell on my head pulling all the screws out of the wall!! To boot it all, I have a sore throat and nasty cough developing that some little darling has passed on to me and really don't feel great!

I just hope that my central heating unit can be repaired easily and on time for John to help me install at the weekend as the forecast is not good for the weekend to say the least.

More cheerful news next time hopefully...........


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