Monday, September 15, 2008

Newton come true!

Newton's third law of motion states that 'for every action, there is an equal, (size) and opposite, (direction) reaction'

This seems to have been true today!
After raving about my fantastic weekend yesterday - today was most definitely 'equal' and 'opposite'!

Spent much of the day contemplating recent events. Sometimes I get fed up with the often lack of equality in workload. It seems the more you say 'yes' the more you get dumped on. I am something of a 200% guy - I can't do anything without it being at least 200% and this, I am beginning to believe, is my downfall. 75% of the population are quite happy to sit back and watch 25% of the population run themselves into an early grave and their conscience doesn't seem to quiver when credit is attributed in the wrong direction!

Woke up this morning and was the closest I have ever been to not going into school. A hacking cough, tight chest, thick head, (no comments,) and saw throat. Dilligence eventually overcame common sense and I crawled, (almost literally,) into work.

Spent much of the day today attempting to find an entire year group, (105 children,) worth of data that mysteriously deleted itself from my database. The children were there, their attributes were correct, I even managed to get them in the right academic year and category but absolutely no results existed anywhere; despite sitting looking at graphs produced as a result of last terms analysis of said data! As a result, I was not able to present the data to staff at the staff meeting tonight in the way I wanted to. I finally managed to get the last data back in, (having given up with looking for it and deciding to manually reload it all,) at 7.15pm and decided to leave school for home.

Oh, and to top it all off; I had a phone call from a 'mate' who had agreed to sell me his old 12volt fridge to replace my worn out one. The phone call told me that he had sold it today to someone else - that hurt and silly though it was, I felt very let down and fed up. We'd agreed the price, he was going to help me install it; I'd even gone to the bank and got the money out! It was the straw to break....

Ah well. Where shall I go at half term in October? Perhaps I'll book a holiday abroad with an airline. I've heard 'XL' are very good......


At 4:21 pm, Blogger Waterrat said...

Now I wonder - would that be a sore throat? or have you taken a saw to your throat!!

At 7:03 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

Read as you wish - the way I was feeling, the latter was more appropriate!


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