Friday, January 05, 2007

Day one!

Well, the first day in Brinklow Marina is now almost completed. Had to run the engine for quite some time today to get the batteries up and even then only managed 98% full - anyone know of any very cheap Honda 'suitcase' generators for sale, hire or to borrow? This boat is really designed for either continuous cruising or plugged in - it just can't cope sitting around all day with no electrics. I can see I'm going to have to start to forego the evening's TV watching; even typing this is being done on the laptops battery - I coulod never be a bridge hopper!

My father left this morning after helping me fix a clear acrylic plate on the top of the cratch board so that I have a smooth base to suck the satellite dish onto without it getting blown off in this exposed marina. I then cleaned the boat and hoovered, (another hours engine running needed for the hoover alone!) and went to explore the shops. My return journey from the supermarket brought me back past my school and I timed the journey back to the boat: under 15 minutes and 9 miles, not bad when most of the journey was stuck behind some old cloth capped farmer travelling at 20mph!


At 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No electricity, and locked in for a month? I can understand that that's a price worth paying for getting your foot in the door of the residential moorings section. But can't you simply sit outside instead of pontoon-squatting? That way, you can relax with your tiller in your hand each weekend and give your batteries a good charge. And it'll help your engine.

I'm sure BW won't mind, not least because they'll know your circumstances and that you are a kosher moorer and not a bridge hopper.

Incidentally, Andy, please can we have a review of the new marina with lots of pics?

At 2:31 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

Hi Andrew,
I could but you know what they say - safety in numbers! There's a good raport here amongst us all and part of the deal is that we are providing security for the site and the builders tackle plus with the rain lashing down as it is at the moment - even the hardest boater would think twice! We're still running engines as necessary and as there's only 6 of us - it's not causing any trouble.

I have started a new page on the main site with a few pictures and will upload more and expand the gallery as time and weather permit, along with a more complex review of the site as things develop - it is still very much a building site at present!


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