Sunday, January 11, 2009

So what's the news?

Not a lot really!

Quite a lazy weekend all in all and well needed to in order to gradually ease myself back into the routines of school life.

Yesterday I went to visit a couple of model railway shops that included the amazing Castle Trains in Warwick. They were so helpful and what an Alladin's cave of a shop! Not only did they take the time to answer all my questions, they have also demonstrated, (not to mention convinced me that it's the way to go,) a digital DCC control system. I'm now convinced.
I also really want to get a DCC sound enabled locomotive but currently by Hornby, this is the only one they do.

Search on youtube for DCC sound and see for yourself!

My bike is now SOLD and the first £150 is in the pot for the railway fund!

Now, talking of livery - I'm moving away from GWR in my thinking! My previous layout was very much GWR, (Great Western Railway,) and so I had just assumed that I would go down the same route but research is persuading me otherwise. Firstly I love the maroon livery of LMS, (London, Midland, Scottish), secondly it has very strong canal links with LMS buying and owning many canals, thirdly it is of the same era - pre war 1930's end of steam period which I like, fourthly it was on eof the longest and largest geographical canal networks and so widens my options of location to base it on and finally it links my previous residential location of London, my current location of the Midlands, (I have no future plans to move to Scotland whatsoever but hey, no analogy is perfect.)

Sorry if my boating friends find all this very boring but hey, those I lose from the boating world I might gain from the modelling world and I have always said that this blog's primary aim is to record my life and interests - others are welcome to eavesdrop if they wish!


At 9:58 am, Blogger Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Count me in to the modellers' club! I used to have a big but very basic layout when I was a kid and I would love to get back into it - it'd be great to pop in when you're up and running and relive old times. LMS is a good call - the Duchess of Sutherland was my very first engine and that livery is a cracker! Keep me posted!!

At 6:53 pm, Blogger Khayamanzi said...

You see, another boater who is a closet modeller! You'd be most welcome any time once I have anything worth working with!!

Yup, I think I've decided LMS it is - thanks for the encouragement!


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